Today I let go of all my fears, the past has no power over me.. Today is the beginning of a new life..
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Knowing me.. knowing you..
Did the meaning of your name affects yourself?
Meaning of my name..
Pronounced: MEL-ə-nee (English), ME-lah-nee (German)
The name was common in France during the Middle Ages, and was it introduced from there to England, though it eventually became rare. Interest in it was revived by the character Melanie Wilkes from the novel 'Gone with the Wind' (1936) and the subsequent movie adaptation (1939).
Want to now the meaning of your name, just visit the site.. there's a lot of name you can find here.. for the newly married couple who's going to become a parents.. then you can find your child name here too.. Actually, there's a lot of website for names finding but i chose this one.. coz it's easier..
Back to my question, is it affect yourself..? For me, names didn't affect you at all, it's only a name.. Identification of oneself.. so tidak lah kena panggil "ui-ui" or "woi" (sound cursing, right?) One of my son, we named him MARK.. but he always ask me to change his name to Max.. He complaint that his classmates seldom jeers him " Mak.. mak nasi lemak".. that's why lah.. You know how I persuade him to appreciate his name.. I told him that, most celebrities by that name become popular. I shows him lah kunun on TV (asal ada nama Mark ni) so apalagi kembang ni.. I told him again, you'll be like one of them when you grown up.. (harap-harap lah kan..) Senangkan pujuk anak kecil, biarpun you don't know anything actually.. lol.. But still, till now.. he never complain again...

My 2nd son,