When you create everything with loving thoughts.. at the same time you'll create loving experience and loving relationships. Respect your partner as you respect yourself then you will get it back.. I might be hypocrite, but then I have learnt so much from my back experience.. So, i find that's interesting to share with you all..
The 3rd secret of love is give your honest loving heart to your partner. Be happy, loving and kind to your partner cause I always got it from my Koko.. He taught me to be love, to be kind and honest to him too.. And I hope that this will be last longer..
Be friended to your partner... Because your true friend is only your partner.. You can talk everything to him from A to Z.. Can chitchat with for a longer hours.. He knew everything about you.. The Best and The Worst.. and you know everything about him..
A tender touch is another secret of love.. A loving touch create bonding from a partner or from a mother to a child or a father to a child..
Space.. Sometimes a space needed for you and your partner too..
Forgive and forget are very useful tools for a couple too.. Never brought bad memories between both of you..
Most of all, Communication is the most important thing for a couple.. You must learn how to communicate honestly and openly cause i still do.. Doesn't mean i don't know how to communicate but you mustn't talk that can hurt anyone feelings..
Commitment is the true test of love... Commitment make your love becomes more stronger and unbreakable..
Passion and trust are essential to a relationship.. Trust to your partner means you are commiting your love.. Even you knew that there is an evil looking for you to knock you out, you have to believe.. That with your Love and his Love, your honesty, your trust, your loyalty, your sacrifice but most of all appreciate all about your partner make anyone loves' wondrous of all.. So love your partner as long as we live.. And to all the reader out there.. your love of reading at my blog made me keep on blogging.. So be love and feels love..